IT Seminar Topics >> Integrated Voice and Data


IBM has created evolutionary solutions for data networks in anticipation of the dynamic trends and business advantages of integrating voice onto data networks. IBM's strategy is to provide high quality equipment and services with cost saving implementations that enable networks either to be upgraded using the installed base or architected to start simple and grow fast in cost-effective steps while accommodating new technologies or standards.Voice and data integration is currently a hot topic within the business community, with its promise of major cost savings and consolidation of data and voice infrastructures. But there remains some skepticism and the old adage 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' certainly has a few adherents. However, while PBX based telephone systems have certainly proved their worth in the past, there is growing evidence that the demands of modern business will increasingly necessitate the implementation of integrated voice and data systems. Up to now, small sites were the ones that showed themselves willing to adopt the new standard, but now it is the large enterprise sites with existing PBX based systems that are beginning to be seduced by the significant business and cost benefits that a migration to VoIP technology can bring.

Voice and data integration, or convergence, is the next mission-critical, must-have technology, according to many telecommunications experts. As businesses upgrade their networks or build new infrastructure, many are turning to integrated networking solutions that use packet-switched networks to accommodate voice and video in addition to data. Examples of integrated solutions include Frame Relay, ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) and voice over IP. From a pure business perspective, moving toward integration seems wise, especially as com-petition becomes more fierce and operating costs continue to rise. Networking voice and data can help your business to be more productive and efficient, enabling you to use the same technology and personnel for different operations.
















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